Witcher 2 make money chapter 1

Witcher 2 make money chapter 1

Posted: Vasyake Date: 26.05.2017

There are certain monsters than respawn, so you can farm them for alchemy and crafting ingredients and sell them.

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The respawning ends in many cases once you complete the quest for eliminating those monsters. The three minigames are also a possible source of money, there are usually opponents you can challenge an unlimited amount of times, each time earning money.

witcher 2 make money chapter 1

The fastest way to make money involves the old quarry outside Vergen and harpees. Run all the way to the bottom killing harpees on the way and collecting their body parts as you go. When you are at the bottom and all harpees are dead, walk up the little trail where the treasure chest is and wait a few hours.

The harpees will have re-spawned when you leave the meditation screen. Do the same on the way up and out of the quarry. Go past the shack and wait again and they will re-spawn again. You can do this an unlimited number of times.

If you start this with nothing in your inventory but your armor and swords you can gather enough harpee parts to earn yourself around 3, dollars when you get heavy enough to have to go sell them all. It doesn't take long to rack up more money than you will need for the rest of the game. I found the easiest way was definitely arm wrestling. Make sure you do the quest for arm wrestling, then when you get to the last opponent you can bet orens on him and its super easy to win.

Then just keep doing it over witcher 2 make money chapter 1 over.

witcher 2 make money chapter 1

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How can I farm invertir en forex opiniones Is there any way to "farm" for orens in The Witcher 2? Extrakun 1, 12 30 There are several advantages of binary options demo account free no deposit to gain orens continually Farming monsters Playing dice poker Fistfighting Arm wrestling There are certain monsters than respawn, so you can farm them for alchemy and crafting ingredients and sell them.

Dice Poker is frustrating to try to earn money with; what do you witcher 2 make money chapter 1 full house beats a straight?


Raven I skipped dice poker pretty much completely, the fist fights though are easy enough. I didn't find any need to grind for money though, I had always enough for the stuff I needed. Fabian - aye, me too; but I wanted to complete Poker Face, so I had to. I just save before playing poker and load when I loose: BTW, you can't use to notify multiple users in comments, the second one is ignored.

In this case I was notified because you commented on my answer. Unfortunately the last guy, in chapter 3 you can only arm wrestle once but, beware as the first time time you will lose unless either buy steroids from the vendor standing next to him or you lose once. Call him a cheater and you will fist fight then after beating him, arm wrestle again and bet the max Orens as he will be very very easy.

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