Do petroleum engineers make a lot of money

Do petroleum engineers make a lot of money

Posted: viagorvia Date: 23.05.2017

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No way petroleum engineers make this much money. I thought it was the Mechanical Engineers. : engineering

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Pick an engineer from the list of volunteers below and send him or her a PM indicating that you would like to conduct an interview:. No way petroleum engineers make this much money. I thought it was the Mechanical Engineers. Yes, but it does not say where these engineers live.

do petroleum engineers make a lot of money

Most live in places like Texas or northern Alberta. Refineries and wells are not often located somewhere you really want to live. You can make a ton of money as a petro engineer up in Fort McMurray but I would never want to live up there. From what I hear, base is 80k then bonuses and other multipliers make it up to around Like everyone is pointing out, there is a reason they get paid the big bucks. There are basically two areas where engineers work in the petroleum industry: Upstream is everything until the petroleum reaches the refinery: Downstream is everything after the petroleum reaches the refinery: Upstream generally gets better pay, but there are a lot of minuses: Also upstream tends to be a lot more boom and bust, varying with the economy and the large-scale fluctuations of the price of oil.

Downstream tends to be more stable: But the pay isn't as good as a petroleum engineer. Still very good, but not as high.

do petroleum engineers make a lot of money

Big money means big pay. Oil has massive profits and that does trickle down to wages. Similar can be said about the pharmaceutical and medical industries, although the wage bump relative to industry average isn't quite as high.

Computer science is also another massively profitable avenue. It's quite easy to make six figures in that industry if you are skilled and self motivated to learn new technologies.

Wages will also be company specific. Small companies often pay less. Big companies pay average. Specialty companies can pay a premium. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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do petroleum engineers make a lot of money
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